Being a Room Parent
Support your
classroom teacher
Communicate with
teachers & other parents
Without the dedication and effort of parents like you, many of the events that make Twin Spring Farm Day School a wonderful environment for our children would not be possible. This brief guide is intended to give you a quick orientation regarding what to expect, and the wisdom of other room parents who have served before you. It is simply a guide; you will work with your classroom teacher to see what works best for you.
Being a room parent is a great way to become involved with your child’s classroom, teacher and school. It isn’t intended to be a burden, and you don’t have to shoulder all the responsibility yourself. Prior to signing up to become a room parent, please make sure your volunteer clearances have been submitted.
Communication & Success
The most important part of being a room parent is good communication with your teacher and other parents in the room. In recent years, room parents have relied extensively on the use of email correspondence to communicate with their classroom parents. In this guide, there is a form you may want to use to collect email addresses, and other ways to connect with your classroom parents.
Classroom Activities & Duties
Classroom Activities & Duties
Room parents are usually involved in the planning and execution of classroom parties, although your involvement will vary by teacher preference. You should involve different parents throughout the year. You should not attend every party. Your classroom teacher will let you know the themes and dates of planned parties, and what they expect from you. Typically, most classrooms have Halloween/Fall party, Thanksgiving celebration, holiday party after the winter show, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, and an End of the Year party. There may be others, at the discretion of the teacher. Also, individual teachers will decide the time and date of the party and how long they want to devote to the party, and if they want you to plan and run the entire thing, or just send in snacks, etc.. As the room parent, you are not required to attend every single class party. However, if the teacher requests this, you do need to arrange for parents to be in the room during the party.
H&S Meetings
One of the most important responsibilities and function of a room parent is to help with communication regarding school and classroom events with other parents in the classroom. Please plan on attending the Home and School Association meetings throughout the year. If you are unable to attend, please ask another parent from your classroom to attend as your representative.
Field Trips
T-K and Pre-first classes have field trips throughout the year, however the number of parent involvement may be limited. The teacher will let you know how many parents are needed for each trip. As room parent, you are not required to go on every trip, nor should you go on every trip. However, if the teacher requests this, you do need to arrange for parents to attend the field trip. The teacher will let you know dates and times prior to each trip. Other: Some teachers might ask for volunteers to work with students in the classroom. The teacher may ask for the room teacher to find volunteers to work a couple of hours during the school day; others might have tasks that parent volunteers can do at home. Either way, communication with the teacher and your classroom parents is very important!
Teacher Recognition
While this is not a required aspect of being a room parent, often room parents help coordinate group gifts for a teacher(s) during the holiday and end of the year. If you are interested in doing this, many parents appreciate the opportunity to donate to a group gift. It is always appropriate to stress that giving is completely optional, and that any amount would be appreciated.
Key Tips
Communicate with your teacher. Teachers will vary in their expectations/use of parent volunteers, and it is important to have a good understanding right at the beginning.
Inclusion & Involvement
Involve other parents! Send out a letter introducing yourself to the other parents in the classroom. Let them know that you will be asking for volunteers throughout the the school year. (It isn’t your responsibility as room parent to cover every single event, but rather to communicate volunteer opportunities to the parents in your classroom. We like to find a way to get almost everyone to participate, in some capacity.)