All About
Twin Spring
Farm Preschool
Twin Spring Farm has a rich history filled with traditions, but remains on the cutting edge of the newest and most exciting discoveries in the field of education.
We believe that academics supported with consistent exposure to special activities is a road map for student success.

Our Campus
Students experience a “campus-style”
learning atmosphere at Twin Spring Farm.
Students travel from their classroom to the
music center, physical education building,
Spanish classroom and computer lab. These
are all great opportunities for the students to
interact with different teachers in a new setting.
The grounds of Twin Spring Farm encompass
thirty acres and students have access to many
aspects of nature and exploration of the
outside environment.
Students at Twin Spring Farm Day School
experience a variety of programs that further
enrich the school curriculum and provide
exposure to new learning experiences.
Twin Spring Farm Day School places a great
emphasis on art and music programs. All of
our students have an opportunity several
times a week to express themselves through
art projects and music classes. Students learn
creativity and expression through these
experiences. Each class performs a music
program twice a year which is performed in
front of family, friends, and the school
community. Private music lessons are also
offered to students. The students perform
in an end of the year music recital for family,
friends, and the school community.

Spirit Days and Events
Spirit Days are also an integral part of our
student life. At least once a month the student
body and faculty come together to promote
community service. Students and staff wear
their TSF Spirit Day shirts and join together
in an activity to raise awareness or raise funds
for a worthwhile charity or cause. We also have
class trips and school-wide assemblies.
Health Services
Students also have access to health services
each day. A school nurse is available during
school hours to administer first aid, medication,
and monitor student health needs.

Before and After
School Programs
Students have the opportunity to extend
their school day through after school care.