Ages 5–6
“An introduction to first grade…Without being in first grade.”
Five Full Days
“For the child who is ready for more than Kindergarten.”
For the child who is ready for more than Kindergarten.
Twin Spring Farm Day School’s unique, hands-on Pre-first
program is designed for the child who requires a challenge
beyond traditional Kindergarten programs. It is a distinctive
option for children who are ready for more than Kindergarten.
Meeting the needs of parents with extended activites.
Before & After School Programs
“Dawners” (7:00-8:45A.M.) and “Sundowners” (3:30-6:00P.M.)
Cost information is provided with your enrollment forms.
Core Curriculum
Reading & Language Arts
The Reading/Language Arts program is integrated into all aspects of the curriculum. Concepts and skills are continually practiced and expanded. Students are challenged through a multi-sensory approach to learning that gradually gives way to more abstract ways of learning. The curriculum revolves around the receptive language activities of reading and listening and the expressive activities of speaking and writing. Phonics, creative writing, poetry, and drama build a foundation for confident and skilled reading. The children are encouraged to connect their reading with their writing and they are presented with numerous opportunities to express themselves by writing stories, lists, summaries, opinions, poems, and descriptions.
Social Studies
The Social Studies curriculum promotes an understanding of self and an awareness of others that is integrated into all aspects of the program (family, school, community, and the world). Children are encouraged to develop a sense of respect and empathy for other cultures, traditions, and times through the use of multi-cultural experiences. Plays, literature, themes, and field trips all promote these goals.
Planned Math experiences foster the development of mathematical concepts including number, addition, subtraction, graphing, money, time, and geometry. In addition, informal reinforcement occurs during the school day as the children participate in other daily activities. Many materials used are manipulative in nature and many have a game-like quality. As the students mature, more symbolic and abstract mathematical concepts, often embodied in word problems and real-life situations, are introduced and practiced.
The Pre-First Science program seeks to stimulate intellectual curiosity and to develop a sense of wonder in each child. Our Science specialists use a hands-on approach to enhance the students’ understanding of scientific concepts. In the Science Lab, activities promote questioning, discovering, and learning. Exploratory work encourages students to construct, test, probe, experiment, observe, and manipulate materials. Concepts in Life Science, Physical Science, Earth Science, and Chemistry are coordinated with classroom activities and themes.
Pre-First Enrichment Specials
Computers & Technology
Computer skills are introduced and taught in our state-of-the-art computer lab. Students are exposed to a variety of programs that foster the social and cognitive development of each child. Programs reinforce open-ended creativity, Language Arts and Math skills, and world discovery related to themes covered in the classroom. The children publish books and complete projects.
For Pre-First children, art is designed to be both fun and educational. The program develops skills and creativity and stimulates an interest in the beauty of the world around us. The children experiment with a wide variety of materials and concepts, including color, shape, pattern, line, and texture. As they draw, paint, sculpt, sew, and build, they think creatively, make decisions, and solve problems.
Physical Education
This program is designed to enable students to achieve and maintain their personal best level of physical fitness and performance. It provides various experiences that enable students to enjoy physical activity, to feel good about themselves, to be accepting of others, and to participate at the level that is commensurate with their development. Children acquire self-confidence, individual initiative, and responsibility through experiences that develop their skills in locomotion and ball handling. In Pre-First, cooperative and competitive games are used to develop character, sportsmanship, and teamwork.
Foreign Language
The children are prepared for future language learning by looking at similarities and differences among different cultures and becoming accustomed to the sounds of the Spanish language (pronunciation, accent, and inflection). Basic vocabulary and concepts are reinforced through songs, rhymes, games, puppets, and play-acting.
Our Music specialists offers the children opportunities to sing, play rhythm instruments, and move to music of diverse cultures. The Music program encourages children to grow in their understanding, appreciation, and love of music. Each child has opportunities to practice and gain confidence in using musical skills as well as becoming proficient in basic note reading, writing and composition through classroom participation and performance experiences. Music classes are supplemented by music in the classroom, concerts, and annual classroom plays performed with musical components.

After School Activities & Clubs
Meeting the needs of Parents with Extended Activities!
Before and after school programs are available for all ages through the “Dawners” (7:30-8:45 A.M.) and “Sundowners” (3:30-5:30 P.M.)
After School Activities and Clubs May Include:
Art Club, Private Piano and Guitar Lessons, Science/Engineering, and Sports
Our daughter Remy has had and continues to have an incredible education and overall experience at TSF. Jeff and I have kept Remy at TSF since pre school because what she receives here she would never get anywhere else. TSF offers Music, Spanish, Art, Gym, Computers and other activities numerous times a week. The classes do incredible projects that continue to amaze me. We keep Remy at TSF because in these most important beginning years she will be fully prepared with all of the proper basic skills, concepts, organization, confidence and education to carry her through life.
Jamie & Jeffrey Alper
The second I stepped on to the grounds of Twin Spring you can just feel the nurturing atmosphere, and the professionalism. The curriculum and the staff always go above and beyond. My son has learned a great deal and is having experiences that can only be provided by an excellent program: socially, emotionally, cognitively, and physically. They get special programs, gym classes, music and Spanish, time working with iPads, and so much more. I can’t say enough how happy my husband and I are with TSF… I recommend them whole-heartedly and without hesitation.
Suzanne C.