Transitional Kindergarten
Half Days
8:50 AM – 1:00 PM
Full Days
8:50 AM – 3:30 PM
Children go through stages of development as they come
to understand and to know themselves and the world
around them.
These stages serve as general guidelines and not as fixed
boundaries. Twin Spring Farm Day School builds upon
not only students’ abilities, but also upon their interests,
experiences and background knowledge.
Twin Spring Farm Day School recognizes that growth and
learning are continuous processes and each individual child
is worthy of respect and encouragement.
Meeting the needs of parents with extended activites.
Before & After School Programs
“Dawners” (7:00-8:45A.M.) and “Sundowners” (3:30-6:00P.M.)
Cost information is provided with your enrollment forms.
Core Curriculum
Our Transitional Kindergarten program helps children develop confidence in themselves and their ability to learn. Children at this level are encouraged to demonstrate curiosity and the ability to focus their attention while remaining true to their individual natures, being free to develop to their own potential.
The Twin Spring Farm Day School Mathematics program for Transitional Kindergarten builds on children’s curiosity and enthusiasm, and challenges children to explore ideas about patterns and relationships, order and predictability, and logic and meaning. Consequently, quality instruction occurs in environments that are rich in language, encourage children’s thinking, and nurture children’s explorations and ideas. These ideas include the concepts of number pattern, measurement, shape, space, and classification.
Communication & Literacy
During the Transitional Kindergarten years, children’s experiences with communication and literacy begin to form the basis for their later school success. Children at Twin Spring Farm Day School are given numerous opportunities to interact with responsive adults and peers in language and print-rich environments.
Children develop vocabulary, extended language skills, and knowledge of the world around them. They develop listening comprehension and phonological awareness; understanding of the everyday functions of print; motivation to read; appreciation for literary forms; and print awareness and letter knowledge. They learn what books are and how to use them. We foster a love of reading and build future successful students by developing an understanding of the value of literacy as a means of communication.
These language and literacy accomplishments are best achieved through activities that are integrated across different developmental areas: cognitive development, fine and gross motor development, and social and emotional development.
Enrichment Specials
Foreign Language
Basic vocabulary and phrases are introduced and mastered through songs, creative activities and group games.
Singing playing instruments, movement and dance all help the children develop a sense of rhythm and give them another important means of expression. All children participate in annual concerts and performances.
Physical Education
Students develop large motor control and participate in physical activities that promotes fitness and health. Both the physical education building and multiple outdoor areas are used for energetic activities where children grow in physical development and movement.
Using our state-of-the-art computer and iPad labs, students are exposed to the wonders of technology. Through age-appropriate programs, the child develops a familiarity and comfort with using various forms of technology and keyboarding skills.

After School Activities & Clubs
Meeting the needs of Parents with Extended Activities!
Before and after school programs are available for all ages through the “Dawners” (7:30-8:45 A.M.) and “Sundowners” (3:30-5:30 P.M.)
The room 5 holiday show was fantastic! Watching 16 or so three year olds perform in unison, follow directions, and perform on stage was absolutely amazing! You ALL made such a huge deal out of their performance and it was absolutely wonderful seeing how visibly proud and confident the children were yesterday! Everyone involved did a superb job and as a parent it was so rewarding to see. It simply reaffirmed why TSF is such a special place, and I just wanted to say Thank You!
Our daughter Remy has had and continues to have an incredible education and overall experience at TSF. Jeff and I have kept Remy at TSF since pre school because what she receives here she would never get anywhere else. TSF offers Music, Spanish, Art, Gym, Computers and other activities numerous times a week. The classes do incredible projects that continue to amaze me. We keep Remy at TSF because in these most important beginning years she will be fully prepared with all of the proper basic skills, concepts, organization, confidence and education to carry her through life.
Jamie & Jeffrey Alper